
Removals Postcode:

Submitted on 14-04-2008

Date Required11-May 2008
Time requiredEarly morning
Pick up Postcode:NE128UH
Type of Removal:Domestic
Number of Bedrooms:2
Removal Locale:Regional
Removal / Storage Details:This is a guesstimate! 1 desk, 1 x computer chair-large, 2 bedside tables, 1 small 2-drawer unit, 1 small two door unit, 1 lrg TV + stand 1 Sml TV, 1 Microwave, 1 Hi-Fi, 1 Printer, 1 x small outdoor Hutch (minus occupants) Boxes- Bedroom 1- Suitcases x 2/3 lrg 3 sml, approx5-10 bags/boxes Bedroom 2- 2/3 bags/boxes Kitchen - 3/4 boxes- fragile Bathroom - 1-2 boxes Sitting Room - 5-10 bags/boxes Shed - 2-3 boxes + xmas tree in box This is an over estimate rather than underestimate