
Removals Postcode:

Submitted on 24-07-2010

Date Required25th August (alternative 24th)
Time requiredany time
Pick up Postcode:TW106BD
Type of Removal:Domestic
Number of Bedrooms:2
Removal Locale:Regional
Removal / Storage Details:One three person, and one two person sofa and a sofa table. Two light reclining chairs. Solid oak dining table and 6 chairs. Knock-down bed and queen size mattress. One chest of drawers. 7 knock-down, flat-pack bookcases and maybe 20 boxes of books. One standing lamp and 2-3 table lamps. 5-6 miscellaneous small side tables and small chests of drawers. Normal quantity of kitchen utensils, plates, glasses, small kitchen appliances (coffe machine, microwave, etc.) and one half size refrigerator (but no washer/drier or dishwasher).