
Removals Postcode:

Submitted on 21-08-2008

Date Required310808
Time requiredpre morning
Pick up Postcode:SK10 2DS
Type of Removal:Domestic
Number of Bedrooms:1
Removal Locale:National
Removal / Storage Details:I am a third year Mbiol,(MCB)student at Bath University currently choosing projects for my final year study. I am very interested in your project of Analysis of dynamic stem cell behaviour underlying carcinogenesis and regeneration and I will appreciate a lot if you could consider me to join your team. Currently I am doing a placement in AstraZeneca Cancer and Infection department. I have used various practical techniques such as western blot, ELISA, RT-PCR and cell culture for my project, which mainly involves assay validation and identifying signaling pathway endpoints for lead compounds testing. By participating in a research project in a 4-people group, I have gained valuable experience to improve both of my technical and team working skills. I have also worked in the QC department of Abbott Laboratory during my gap year before entering the university. My previous chosen modules include the preferred prerequisite units: Practical Molecular Biology BB20025 and Development unit BB20149 (VS). I will be doing Molecular evolution and phylogenetics (BB40134), Vertebrate developmental biology (BB40170) and Advanced developmental genetics (BB30067) in my final year to further widen my knowledge in the developmental biology. I sincerely hope that you could consider me to join your team. Thank you very much, Yours sincerely, Yu Bian (Cassie)